Author Topic: Apple vendor eyes  (Read 378 times)

Offline Mathesh

Apple vendor eyes
« on: August 02, 2020, 02:45:00 PM »
Apple vendor eyes production shift to India

NEW DELHI: In a major relocation from China as part of global business’ effort for derisking of manufacturing bases by diversifying supply chains, a contract manufacturer for Apple is shifting six production lines looking forward to exporting around $5 billion worth ofiPhones from India apart from catering to the domestic market.
The establishment of the facility is expected to generate employment for around 55,000 Indian workers over a year or so, sources familiar with the exercise told TOI. The vendors may expand the operations beyond phones to include tablets and even computers and laptops in the coming years.

China has come under increased scrutiny after the Covid-19 global health crisis as it tried to suppress the outbreak in Wuhan. With trade tension already mounting and Beijing’s role under the lens, several global giants are looking to diversify their production bases across the world. India has aggressively moved in seeking to be part of the new production supply chain.
Container loads of goods from Apple’s key contract manufacturer have already reached India in the wake of the pandemic and China’s initial attempt to smother information about its outbreak.

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